Safe Guarding

Safeguarding training is essential for those working with children, young people and vulnerable adults. Our safeguarding courses cover safeguarding legislation, reporting safeguarding concerns and indicators of abuse and neglect. Find out more about our courses:

Awareness of Safeguarding

This qualification will provide an understanding of safeguarding which can be used in a workplace, activity group or any instance where a person comes into contact with children or adults at risk. The qualification provides learners with the knowledge to identify a safeguarding concern, record a disclosure and report to the appropriate person.

The minimum classroom contact time of 4 hours should be delivered over a minimum of half a day.

FAA Level 1 Award in Awareness of Safeguarding.

A range of Safeguarding related subjects are covered including:

  • Safeguarding legislation and guidance
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Abuse and neglect
  • Identifying concerns and disclosure
  • Making judgements
  • Reporting safeguarding concerns

Upon successful completion of the qualification assessment, Learners will be awarded an Ofqual regulated qualification. The qualification does not have an expiry date, but refresher training and keeping up to date with changes to policies, procedures and new legislation through ongoing CPD is vital.

Principles of Safeguarding
and protecting children, young people or vulnerable adults

The course promotes awareness and sensitivity to safeguarding, enabling learners to identify the types and characteristics of abuse, record disclosure and appropriately share information with the relevant people.

A minimum of 7 contact hours in the classroom.

FAA Level 3 Award in Principles of Safeguarding and Protecting Children, Young People or Vulnerable Adults (RQF).

A range of subjects are covered including:

  • Safeguarding legislation and guidance
  • Indicators of abuse or neglect
  • Making judgements
  • Communication
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Sharing of information
  • Dealing with and reporting of allegations and complaints
  • Assessment and marking

Upon successful completion of the qualification assessment, Learners will be awarded an Ofqual regulated qualification.

Contact us to about booking your Safe Guarding Course.